Type of RouteArrowsDistanceGradingEstimated Time
Loop WalkGreen3 kmEasy1 hour

The first trail marked in Green is an easy 3km loop walk of thirty minutes on roadway past St Comghall’s Church, Lisheen.

Distinguishing features on the Rock Loop Walk include two examples of Bronze Age Boulder Burials at Kilkilleen and Bawngare. Further North at Kilsarlaught lays the site of an unconsecrated children’s burial ground – “cillín”, which can be seen in a field in the distance. These were burial sites for unbaptised children, used up to the early 20th century. A Stone Ringfort can be seen at a distance in the field opposite Lisheen School at Dromnacaheragh. The walker will pass the newly renovated Lisheen National School (1906).

Fuchsia and honeysuckle abound in the hedgerows and are the main interest for flora and fauna enthusiasts. They flower in summer and thrive in the frost free environment.

Walk Guide

Park opposite Lisheen Church (Saint Comghall’s) (1) and take the junction RIGHT alongside the graveyard, heading north. (There is a turning to the left for Kilkilleen Beach and further on an old forge at Kilkilleen Cross. This forge was operated by Tommy Whooley and later by John Sweeney, Ballydehob. Note the Lisheen Boulder Burial is situated in the first field on the left on the Kilkilleen road.) The road descends gently and you pass turnings and houses to your right and left. After less than a kilometre there is a turning to your RIGHT (2) up a small road past a bungalow.

Follow this road east for about 600m and you reach a T-junction (3), on a bend, where you need to bear RIGHT and continue easterly. There are two Cillíní (Children’s Burial Grounds) in the field on the right. One has a large bolder marking the spot of one cillín and the second cillín is next to the far off stone fence. 

After a short distance (300m) you reach a large junction (4) where again you need to turn RIGHT. You are now on the home straight as the road rises slowly, past the National School (1906). There is a Stone Ringfort in the field in the townland of Dromnacaheragh, opposite the school. A second Boulder Burial is situated off this road in the townland of Bawngare. This large cap stone has a indentation indicating the winter solaces.  Soon you are back at the church and car park.

The Cillín Field

The Cillín field lay humped with loss  
outside the old Church wall,
where mourner crept, in shroud of night,
with infant in a shawl.
Its soul was damned for death had come 
before the Christening rite. 
For then ’twas held, that each new born, 
still stained with Eden’s blight.
This Limbo land, the edge of hell,
allowed no priestly altar.
Just a shallow grave, with a heavy sod,
for those not born of water.
Laid east to west its little head
touched the Church foundation.
And when it rained, a trickle came,
to sanctify creation.
