Skibbereen to Lisheen Linear Walk
Type of Route | Arrows | Distance | Grading | Estimated Time | Total Climb |
Linear Walk | Red & Purple | 12 km | Moderate | 3 – 4 hrs | 100 m |
This option joins the Skibbereen to Kilcoe Linear Walk to the Becher Loop Walk, allowing the walker to travel from the Skibbereen Trail Head to the Lisheen Trail Head. Starting at the Heritage Centre, Skibbereen, follow the Skibbereen to Kilcoe Linear Route, the red arrows, for 5 km to a junction at in the townland of Reenmurragha (GPS: 51.5477, -9.33023). Here, continue straight on and follow the purple arrows. At the next junction turn left, then cross the N71 at Church Cross and continue straight until you join the Becher Loop at Goleenmarsh (GPS: 51.53351, -9.35324). The link between the two routes is 3 km and it is another 4 km to the Lisheen Trail Head.
Walk Guide
After leaving the Heritage Centre carpark (1) turn right. Walk for 1 km and cross the Ilen river over the Five Arch Bridge (2), take care crossing the N71, then note the Great Famine Plot in the Abbey Cemetery (3).
Here take a sharp right turn and head North for a short distance, left turn at the T junction, then after about 1 km go left at the four cross road by the Old Abbey School (4) and walk onward through the townlands of Rossnagoose and Mohonagh for 2.5 km. At this junction (5) continue straight and follow the Purple Arrows, toward the Lisheen Trail Head.
Walk for over 1 km through the townland of Gurteenroe. Turn left at the T Junction (6). Shortly afterward take care as you cross the N71 (7) and walk for 1.5 km to meet the Beecher Loop in Goleenmarsh (8). Turn right here following the purple arrows toward Lisheen.
Alternatively continue walking along the banks of the Ilen River to the next junction (9) and turn right here.
After about 700 m, at the crossroads (10) known locally as Crois na Marbh (Corpse’s Cross Road), go to the west. Walk for another 700m, at the T Junction (11) turn left, shortly afterwards turn right and follow the blue arrows of the Ilen River Loop Walk towards the Lisheen Trail Head. The quay located here is known as Reenaduna Pier.
Continuing for 2 km, at the T Junction (12), by Minihan’s Bar, take a sharp right. The Lisheen Trail Head (13) is located a further 750 m on, by St Comghall’s Church.
Points of Interest

As you walk by the marshy inlet of the Ilen River at Goleenmarsh take note of the wading birds, which are a common sight when the tide is out. Here, the increasingly rare curlew is regularly spotted and its distinctive call is often heard.
At this location, there is also an abundance of wild flowers on the river bank and the road verges.
An alternative way to join the Becher’s Loop is to continue on walking by the river shore to the next junction. Along this route you will pass an old quay, known locally as ‘Marsh Quay’, which was previously used to land coal and sand. At the junction take time to visit the nearby old Augahdown Church and Graveyard.